Water From The Rock



The Passover Lamb

What a joy it is to celebrate the risen Lord! This is Holy Week when believers gather together to remember the Passover supper, the somber holiness of Jesus' death on Good Friday, and the risen Lord on Easter Sunday when we rejoice and exalt our Savior, Jesus Christ. If Christ had not come down from His throne in heaven and willingly given His life to save us from our sins, we would be in darkness for eternity. Jesus, the holy Lamb of God, shed His blood to atone for the sins of many. He was betrayed, beaten, and hung on the cross at the same time that the priests were sacrificing the spotless lambs in Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover thousands of years ago. The sacrifices were on the altar, but Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb of God, poured out His blood as an offering and the final sacrifice for our sins. His blood sealed the New Covenant given to all who will accept His free gift of salvation. The Passover is very significant to believers. Many years ago, when God's people were slaves in Egypt, He commanded them to take the blood of a lamb and put it on the doorpost of their homes so the angel of death would pass over their house. Pharaoh and all his people lost their firstborn sons, but God’s people were spared. The angel of death saw the blood on the door that protected them from death. Today, the blood of Jesus protects us from spiritual death and gives people a way to receive eternal life in God's kingdom. Jesus is seated on His throne and reigns over all. Grace has been extended to every person who will confess their sins and accept Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as their Savior. It is time to celebrate new birth in Jesus and be washed clean of all your sins and guilt. God loves you unconditionally and wants to bless you.

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