Water From The Rock



The Holy Spirit Ushers in Revival

God has something especially important on His heart; He wants the church to come into agreement with Him. God longs to bring a revival and spiritual awakening on the earth. Ordinarily one would use the word “revived” to describe someone who has been brought back to life. For example, doctors in the ER work on people who have had a lethal heart attack and attempt to bring them back to life. Spiritual revival is the power and presence of God Almighty and Jesus Christ being manifest on earth through the Holy Spirit to bring people back to life.

Christians must pray for a spiritual awakening in our cities and towns, our neighborhoods and schools, in the jails and shelter homes, and in our places of worship. People must hear the Gospel. As believers intercede for God to send more laborers into the fields that are ripe for harvest, He will answer. But apathy and a lukewarm spirit in the body of Christ hinders the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told Christians to lay down their lives for His sake, take up their cross, and follow Him. The Lord said, “If you give your life for Me, you will find true life.” Luke 9:24 A person can gain all the world offers and have nothing of eternal value; they will lose their life. The Holy Spirit desires to bring God’s will on earth and has equipped all the saints with spiritual gifts and dunamis explosive power in Jesus’ Name. “Stephen, a man full of faith and power of the Holy Spirit, did amazing miracles and wonders among the people.” Acts 6:8

In the book of Acts, Peter, James, John, Paul, and many of Jesus’ followers were on fire for the Lord when the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they did awesome miracles in Jesus’ Name. People were raised from the dead, and many who witnessed these supernatural wonders believed in Jesus Christ. The followers of Jesus went out and preached the Message with miracles following; all was accomplished through faith and power in Jesus’ Name. Many people were added to the church. Imagine the excitement that would stir people up if we experienced the same outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the miracles and wonders accompanying the Good News! The public could not deny the incredible miracles. The blind would see, the dead would come back to life. Revival would hit the nation! The same power God exerted in Christ to raise Him from the dead is available to the church today. Ephesians 1 Paul prayed that God would open the eyes of our understanding to know the hope we are called to and the dunamis power available to us.

The church is the salt and light of the earth. Salt is no good if it loses its flavor. Tasteless, bland food is so unappetizing. Jesus said it is not good to hide a lamp under a basket. The Light of the world is Jesus Christ, and His church must shine brightly in the darkness. The Holy Spirit is calling believers to get off the sidelines and boldly share their faith and pray fervently for a spiritual revival. Jesus is coming again, and His bride must be prepared. Jesus told a parable about virgins who were waiting expectantly for the groom who had gone to prepare a beautiful home for his beloved bride. Some of the virgins’ lamps went out while they waited because they did not come prepared with enough oil. They left the others to get more oil. When they returned, the groom had come and the door to the wedding was closed. Jesus did not let them enter the wedding feast because they were gone when He arrived. This parable emphasizes our need to be ready for Jesus coming. Consider Jesus’ warning to a certain church, “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of My mouth.” Revelation 3:15 Those are piercing words. It is dangerous to be a lukewarm believer. The Holy Spirit is calling people back to their first love.

“Don’t store up treasures on earth… store up treasures in heaven. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” Matthew 6:19-21 If someone gains all the world has to offer and loses his soul, it is all for nothing. Fix your eyes on Jesus and the magnificent home in God’s kingdom that He has prepared for those who love and serve Him. He is coming soon. The Spirit of God will be poured out, and men will repent and turn to the Lord.

  • Ask God to bring believers back to their first love, Jesus Christ. Repent of being apathetic or complacent as a believer. Pray to be filled with faith and power by the Holy Spirit to ignite a spiritual awakening.
  • Pray for God to remove obstacles and hindering spirits from the church and for boldness to be witnesses for Christ, preaching the Message with miracles following.
  • Make a commitment to intercede for a spiritual revival and awakening so people will experience God’s grace and salvation.
  • Pray for the fear of the Lord to rise up in the church so believers will take a stand for God and for truth. Thank God and praise Him for a spiritual revival and awakening.

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