Water From The Rock



Year of the Open Door

There is so much to look forward to this year; 2024 is the year of the Open Door according to the Hebraic calendar. Open doors speak of opportunities and creativity. Jesus said in John 10, “I AM the Door”. If anyone enters through Me, they will find green pasture and peaceful waters, He continued. Those who climb in another way are like thieves and robbers. The Door of salvation is open, and Jesus commissioned the church to preach the Gospel to every nation. As we serve the Lord, it is essential for us to be aware of opportunities to share our faith with others who might never have heard of Jesus. I have written a special prayer to help you start every day with purpose and anticipation of God’s goodness revealed.

Prayer to Start the Day

Father God, please flood our hearts with Your love and compassion. Open our hearts to understand Your goodness and share it with others. Take us into a deeper walk with You and give us a hunger for Your Word. Give us wisdom to walk through the doors You are opening for us and strength to accomplish the things You call us to do. Let us have patience and joy in serving You. Teach us how to hear Your voice and have communion with you daily. Help us walk by faith and experience the miraculous power that is available to us in Christ. We ask this in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.

My prayer is that we train ourselves to listen to the Good Shepherd’s voice as He gives us wisdom and direction. Training is not always easy and requires patience and discipline. But training brings maturity and produces spiritual fruit that pleases God. Those who draw into a deeper intimacy with the Lord will reap incredible benefits. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him for he who comes to God must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 Faith is the key to open doors as we study the examples of faith and its rewards in chapter 11. By faith Abraham offered up Isaac; by faith Moses forsook Egypt and its riches and kept Passover and sprinkled the blood so the firstborn would not be destroyed. By faith women received the dead raised to life again. God is always speaking to us, but too often we are distracted with the busyness of our daily lives. Years ago, I heard an incredibly wise leader say that God asks us to give up what is good to have what is best. God will challenge us to change course because He has an open door waiting for us. He might take us out of our comfort zone and into the unknown, but He is with us.

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